My Outburst

I never wanted to be trapped in love. For your better understanding, I hated those who loved. Sometimes, I was tempted to kick off those who took hours standing and talking with their beloved. Not only in my real life, in movies too had I made funny comments on actresses when they did love. You may be thinking why I am telling all these things to you. But soon you will understand how a girl made me liking that which I hated most.
It is a part of my life when I was in class tenth and I had a virgin heart, quite pure and clear. I knew a girl liked me since class seventh, but I never felt any tilt in me towards her. But it happened with me when I understood Ohm’s law from my science textbook. I will not kill up your time, so I am coming to the point which I wanted to convey.
Actually I don’t know how I started loving her but I am not sure of my love, whether it is true or just a teenage attraction. Even now I don’t want to love a girl. It is better to like her and try to make her loving you. But it is quite burden if she started loving you. I am at a tight spot whether to tell her truth or not. I am scaring if she commits suicide. So friends or those who are reading it, please give your kind and valuable feedback to me what to do and what not to.     


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